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Customer Juliette Wilson Helps Others Have A Better Life

It's often said that it's better to give than to receive and to put others ahead of yourself. Day after day, many dedicate themselves to doing that and making our world a better place.

They might be your neighbors, fellow workers, or attend church with you. They might even be that person in line with you at the bank.

We met one such caring person at our Florence Branch. Her name is Juliette Wilson and we think she's terrific.

Juliette loves to help others. In fact, she's dedicated a large portion of her life to it. Through missionary work, she's been able to connect with and improve the lives of both less fortunate children and families around the world.

“You see the world one way until you travel it, and discover it's a lot different than you think it is,” said Juliette. “You realize that everyone has needs, feelings, hurts and desires, and there are always ways to connect and help.”

Juliette helps as a member of Children of Promise.

Children of Promise is an organization dedicated to providing financial assistance for programs to aid needy children outside of the United States through ministries of the Church of God. Its programs benefit over 5,000 children in 27 countries, and provide care, guidance, and spiritual and educational opportunities for them. Juliette is on one of their short-term mission teams which cover a variety of areas including ministry, medical, dental, construction and education.

Juliette travels to underprivileged areas all around the world. In every area she helps to ensure that top quality care is provided and is in line with Children of Promise's high standards.

She and other missionaries travel from country to country, visiting an average of 8 to 10 schools each trip. In just 3 years, she made mission trips to Uganda (2010 and 2011), and she went to Rwanda, Kenya and Congo (2011). She'll head to Tanzania, Russia and Ghana this summer.

“Mission trips give you a new sense of direction in terms of how you value and look at life – especially in a spiritual manner,” said Juliette. “In this country, we have so much and we sometimes take what we have for granted. Missionary work has taught me to see a different way of life and experience different cultures, and to better appreciate what we have in the greatest country in the world.”

Juliette has seen how you can change people's lives by simply meeting everyday needs like daily meals, medical coverage, education and spiritual guidance. On her mission trips, she and her fellow missionaries work to provide all that. And, they even boost children's self-esteem by supplying something as simple as school uniforms and shoes. All these things are made possible by contributions to the Children of Promise.

Of all the basic needs she supplies, Juliette believes that education is the most powerful.

“When a child within a household goes to school, that experience has the ability to change the entire household for the better,” she said.

Before Juliette heads off this summer, she must raise the funds to cover all of the expenses of her trip. If you would like to contribute money or supply donations (medicines, syringes, bandages, clothes, books, shoes, treats for children, etc.), you can do so by going online, calling 1-800-848-2464 (extension 2190; the director is Dr. Paul Maxfield, and the assistant director is Linda Mason), or mailing your tax deductible contributions (made payable to Children of Promise) to:

Children of Promise
Re: Mission trip for Juliette Wilson
Post Office Box 2316
Anderson, IN 46018
Juliette Wilson
P.O. Box 293 
Timmonsville, SC 29161

We're proud to have Juliette Wilson as one of our customers, and we thank her for her commitment to helping others have a better life.



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