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To lease or not to lease...

OK, so it's not as important a question as the one Hamlet was trying to answer, but your decision sure can have a big impact on your finances.

But before you read any further, please note that this article addresses leasing by an individual, not a business.

How do you know if leasing makes sense for you, or if you're getting into something you'll regret a few months down the road? A lot depends on being honest about your lifestyle, your finances, and your future plans.

Here are some popular ideas about the benefits of leasing:

  • I get more car for my monthly payment than if I took out a loan

  • I get to drive a new car

  • My vehicle is always under warranty

  • I don't want to have to deal with selling or trading in my vehicle when I'm done with it

  • I ...

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June 23, 2012

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June 29, 2012
