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On the BETTER side of life
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Is pumpkin carving one of your family's Fall traditions? Have you always wanted to try your hand at designing and hand-carving your own work of pumpkin art?

Why not join in the fun and enter our Pumpkin Carving Contest this year?

If you have access to a computer and a pumpkin (or pumpkins), you could be among the three winners who will be awarded prizes for the best of the best!

[caption id="attachment_5074" align="alignleft" width="300"]First Reliance Bank Pumpkin Carving Contest First Reliance Bank Pumpkin Carving Contest[/caption]

To participate in the contest:

1. The contestant must be 18 or older (but you can involve younger members of the family by getting them to consult on your design).

2. Get a pumpkin or pumpkins to carve. You can enter as many times as you'd like.

3. When you do your carving, be sure to incorporate the First Reliance Bank brand in some way with your pumpkin design ...

There are heroes all around us. Every day, they make our world a better place through their everyday actions. Look around your community. Do you know someone whose extraordinary service makes it a better place to live? There are those who step into harm's way to save others. Some who reach out to comfort and help those in need. Others who give us the gift of inspiration. Everyday, police, fire fighters, medical personel, teachers and other dedicated professionals make the world a better place through the course of their lives and careers. We recognize these special people as “Hometown Heroes” and we offer them a special banking program as a way of saying “thanks.” Do you have a Hometown Hero you would like to recognize? We invite you to go to the First Reliance Bank Facebook page and tell our community about your own Hometown Hero. And, if you have ...

Children proudly bring home drawings and, for many, it’s a family tradition to put them up on the refrigerator with magnets. But what do you do when your fridge is overflowing with such pieces of art? Do you decide to put some away temporarily and rotate them every so often? Do you simply trash others, or just keep piling them on? How do you pick the most “fridge-worthy” without hurting your child’s feelings? We’ve turned for advice to the experts and guess who that would be? Moms! Here’s what they have to say about weeding out, recycling, re-purposing and preserving your precious child’s art. Your Child’s Artwork: To Keep Or Not To Keep What To Do With All Your Kid’s Projects What To Do With Kids’ Artwork 12 Things To Do With Kids’ Art What To Do With Kid Art 5 Ways To Organize and Display Your Child’s Artwork Beyond ...

Summer’s almost here. Are you looking forward to vacation? With the kids out of school and no homework duties, it’s time to trade in long pants and slacks for sandals and shorts. Planning to hit the road for some much needed stress relief and fun? Thinking of packing up the car and heading to the beach, the lake, mountains? Is it time to visit a favorite relative? For most Moms, vacation planning includes taking a hard look at the family budget and working a little magic on the family checkbook. Fuel is often one of the biggest expenses in a vacation budget. Is your car a gas-guzzler? Maybe it’s time to consider a more fuel efficient car, van or SUV. But selecting a vehicle that works for you and fits into your budget can be a challenge.

 Here are some facts that can help you make a smarter car choice: ...




Welcome to The Better Side of Life, a new way for us to share stories, ideas and articles designed to help make the lives of our customer better.

As you hopefully already know and appreciate, First Reliance Bank is serious about delivering a better experience in every interaction that we have with our customers. We care about what matters most to you and we’re interested in demonstrating that to you in every way we can.

We’ll be publishing a steady stream of content on The Better Side of Life, covering all kinds of different topics. Naturally, we’ll be sharing financial tips to help you manage your money and your banking in the smartest possible way. But we’ll also be digging into special points of interest in the communities that we serve, including ways to recognize and celebrate some of the people who contribute so much to those around them, like ...